International Yarn Day 2018

Well hello there. Sorry for the absence which was slightly longer than I’d been anticipating but I’m back with a bang.

As you know I’m a big fan of shopping local and love my local wool & fabric shop Gold Thimble. So I was pretty excited when Sumeera, who owns it, told me she’s taking part in International Yarn Day this Saturday, 12th May.

She’s got quite a lot going on that day including informal workshops, a limited number of goodie bags for anyone who spends over £10 which will include a raffle ticket for Let’s Knit give away and I believe a bargain bin of wool so you can add to your stash 😉 as well as 10% off all purchases.

I’m going to be around during the day knitting and helping out so please pop along and say hello to me. I’ve even been making some of the squares for Let’s Knit’s knitted blanket pattern which Gold Thimble will be giving away for free if you come along on Saturday. (NB there are 4 different knitting / crochet patterns to choose from)

It’s been fun learning some new stitches like cob but (hazelnut) stitch and even creating Eiffel Towers.

If you’re free this Saturday please pop along to Gold Thimble between 10am and 5.30pm, say hello and stay awhile. If we’re lucky Sumeera might even have made some pakora.

If you’re not in Glasgow you can check to see if anywhere near you is taking part using his link Let’s Knit.

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